Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Venture Capital Investors at AgReturn San Francisco 2012

AgReturn San Francisco 2012 is a unique kind of agriculture investment conference--one that embraces the surrounding themes of agriculture, real assets, and scarcity-driven investments. Discover a myriad of opportunities along the liquidity spectrum, including mature markets farmland, agribusiness equities, and primary production innovations at this event in March.

This year we are pleased to offer new content and networking sessions created specifically for Venture Capital investors!

Afternoon tracks fully dedicated to Venture Capital investment strategies, best practices and risk management.

Don’t miss: The following panels:

“Case Studies: Chart the Successful Exit of a Venture Backed Sustainable Agriculture 
Technology": – 2:00 pm, March 13th
Learn from a successful innovator who embraced the sector and found success. Deal: enix Acquisition.

“What’s Next? Presenting the New Class of Agriculture Technologies”- 3:15 March 13th 
An active venture investor moderates a panel of entrepreneurs who will discuss navigating the US farm system, securing financing, working with farmers, patent process and more. Learn how emerging agtech is being adapted and integrated into the industry right now.

Learn: From the following thought leaders:

John Denniston, Partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers 
Scott Uknes, In and Out Licensing Lead, Bayer CropScience 
Derek Norman, Investment Manager, Syngenta Ventures 
Chris Berkner, President, PureSense 
Spencer Maughan, Vice President, Venrock 
Andrew Williamson, Director, Physic Ventures  

Be there: VC/Entrepreneur Speed Networking Reception 

Presenting a unique speed networking session for early-stage agtech entrepreneurs and venture capital investors at AgReturn San Francisco! Slots are available for 12 entrepreneurs and 12 investors. Tables will rotate to maximize opportunities for all involved. Participants must be registered with the conference and will be accepted on a first come first serve basis. DEADLINE: REGISTER ONLINE BY FEBRUARY 21ST, 2012.

For further agenda details, information about our speaker forum and to register click here.

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