Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Why Attend AgReturn San Francisco 2012?

° Diversify your portfolio
° Hedge against inflation
° Gain access to exclusive content for innovators and investors
° Expand your network
° Explore opportunities in water rights and technology
° Strengthen your knowledge of need-to-know investment themes

AgReturn San Francisco 2012 is a unique kind of agriculture investment conference--one that embraces the surrounding themes of agriculture, real assets, and scarcity-driven investments.

This event delivers comprehensive strategy discussions on everything from public equities to innovations in precision technology, to mature markets farmland plays, water rights and efficiency.

Building upon the past attendance of over 250 investors, entrepreneurs and industry leaders, attendees this year includes foreign and institutional investors.

To see a sample of companies who have attended in the past, click here.
To see full program details, click here to download the brochure.

Weaving together investment themes of global farmland and commodities as well as agribusiness equities, and innovations in conservation technology, this invigorating forum is a must-attend event.

Who Attends AgReturn events?

Private equity, hedge fund, and commodities investors  
Impact investors
Pension funds, endowments, foundations  
Food and agriculture corporate leaders
Venture capitalists  
Food and agriculture
Family offices, high net-worth individuals, angel investors  
Agribusiness industry professionals
 √ Service providers to all of the above

For further agenda details, information about our speaker forum and to register click here.

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